Music is undoubtedly one of the most effective channels for the expression of people's feelings and beliefs, as well as the propagation of ideologies all over the world. Depending on how it is produced, music can send one to sleep and get another geared up for war. A gospel musician will do well to fully understand the potency of the weapon he has been armed with. With this knowledge and certain qualities in place, he will be better equipped for optimum performance. We will endeavor to highlight some of the qualities here.
Excellence speaks of top grade quality. This quality should be evident in lyrics, delivery, production, etc. Our Lord once remarked that the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light; but beloved, this statement was not a commendation. Have you noticed that the music that is used to advertise cigarette and alcoholic beverages (which are destructive agents as proven by the caveat that follows such ads) are so well produced that they almost always get your attention? Why would individuals and corporations invest so much time and resources to produce such music while some musicians with life-giving and soul-refreshing messages churn out mediocrity in the name of the Lord? Have we forgotten that the Lord whose name we proclaim is excellent? ( O Lord our God, how EXCELLENT is your name! - Psalms 8:1). Are we offering mediocrity in the name of the Lord? I shudder to even think of it! Strive to be skillful, because for God, only the best is good enough. Welcome criticism because it makes you improve.
Humility is another quality that the gospel musician should possess. Music brings you to limelight and gets you admired and appreciated by numerous fans. One needs to be very careful not to allow the accolades, honors and awards get into his/her head. In the midst of that deafening applause, you should learn to keep your cool and acknowledge that it is by His grace that you are excelling. I've always reminded every gospel musician who cares to listen, to remember that none of us is as gifted as Lucifer was! The scripture records that Lucifer was formatted with music in his innermost system. As he opened his mouth what hit you was the melody, the harmony, the instrumentation all from one being. Ezekiel 28: 13 records, “ The workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes were prepared in thee in the day thou wast created” . Unfortunately, it got into Lucifer's head and the rest is history. The lesson I always seek to teach is that if God could do without Lucifer, a once-upon-a-time son of the morning, no one, no matter how skillful, gifted, charismatic (you name it…) he/she is, is indispensable. Need I say more?
Appreciation of Others
Appreciation of Others
Humility will help you to appreciate what others have to offer. Music ministry itself is in streams. Some are ‘praisers', others are worshippers and countless many are prophetic singers, instrumentalists, etc. I have, however, observed the tendency of many musicians to behave like the proverbial six blind men of Indostain who went to see an elephant. Each one came back claiming that the elephant was the part he touched. But we know the fact. Many people tend to believe that their own area of call is the best and everyone else is just wasting time. This makes them not to appreciate what others have to offer.
Have you observed that many Gospel artistes, when they are invited to perform at concerts or programs get up and leave the scene immediately they finish their beat? They, unfortunately, must be believing that they are the only thing happening, so why waste time to listen to others? What an awful error! We should never forget that God is a God of variety. If everyone were to sing and play like you do, the world will be a very boring and lack-luster place. So even if your CDs have hit the Top Ten chart severally and your concerts leave no standing room, please be humble enough to appreciate what others have to offer.
No matter how good a copied piece of work is, an original is still preferable and unbeatable. I once listened to a remix of a Kirk Franklin's song by one of our sisters and I am yet to recover! I can bet Kirk Franklin himself won't recognize the song if he hears it! By being original, you carve a niche for yourself. You are daring to be unique and different. Someone rightly said that God has created you an original, so you shouldn't die a copy. How true! There is only one you. If you keep trying to be others, who on earth will be you? This is why in all my albums I decide to do my own songs. That doesn't mean I don't record other songs. I do. But the bulk of the songs in my CDs are original. There is always the temptation for you to want to ride on the waves of already popular songs. But I have proved with my CDs that it is just a question of time and your own songs will join the league of popular songs too. It is however, a harder road to travel.
No matter how good a copied piece of work is, an original is still preferable and unbeatable. I once listened to a remix of a Kirk Franklin's song by one of our sisters and I am yet to recover! I can bet Kirk Franklin himself won't recognize the song if he hears it! By being original, you carve a niche for yourself. You are daring to be unique and different. Someone rightly said that God has created you an original, so you shouldn't die a copy. How true! There is only one you. If you keep trying to be others, who on earth will be you? This is why in all my albums I decide to do my own songs. That doesn't mean I don't record other songs. I do. But the bulk of the songs in my CDs are original. There is always the temptation for you to want to ride on the waves of already popular songs. But I have proved with my CDs that it is just a question of time and your own songs will join the league of popular songs too. It is however, a harder road to travel.
Ministry Consciousness
A gospel musician should see music first of all as a ministry. Much as music possesses a very high entertainment and commercial value, ministry consciousness will inform the musician's attitude. By musician here I mean the singer and the instrumentalist. Remember David was only playing an instrument when Saul, his master, got delivered. Seeing music as a ministry will help you to use it to glorify God, the giver of the gift. You will use it to praise and worship Him as well as reach out to others and bring them into the kingdom. We should not be ignorant of the fact that we are in a warfare.
The devil is using music now more than ever to draw so many souls to hell. Just take a look at the pornographic and occultic music videos that abound and you will understand what I mean. Regarding music as a ministry means that you must have a message that you want to pass across and have a good idea of your target audience. This is because your target audience most times will influence the genre you need to use to reach them. Which brings us to the need to strive for excellence.
When I started producing my first album in 2000, I came under intense pressure to record already popular songs. “That will sell faster”, I was told, as they tried to convince me. But I refused and insisted on recording my own songs. I have currently written over 20 very good praise, worship and prophetic songs in English, Hausa and Mwaghavul. I keep asking myself, “If I abandon my songs, who will sing my own songs? And what will I tell God when I reach the golden shores?” That I jettisoned what He gave me and opted for the easier route? Big time marketers initially refused to market my music. I took up the challenge and marketed them myself. The summary is that now (I am currently working on my fifth album), my songs have joined the league of popular songs and I now have many offers; not to talk of the numerous awards I have received so far. So, what would have happened if I chickened out at the start? Which brings me to commitment and dogged determination.
Commitment and Dogged Determination
You must be committed to your cause, and, like God, learn to see the end from the beginning. This is what will keep you focused when you encounter the many roadblocks which line up the pathway of any visionary. I love reading biographies because they put success stories in their correct perspective. I've just finished that of Kirk Franklin and I have more than ever been convinced that all the stars we see today have had one or two scars to show for it. So, stay determined and committed, knowing that faithful is the One who has called you and He will do it.
Commitment and Dogged Determination
You must be committed to your cause, and, like God, learn to see the end from the beginning. This is what will keep you focused when you encounter the many roadblocks which line up the pathway of any visionary. I love reading biographies because they put success stories in their correct perspective. I've just finished that of Kirk Franklin and I have more than ever been convinced that all the stars we see today have had one or two scars to show for it. So, stay determined and committed, knowing that faithful is the One who has called you and He will do it.
Be Prayerful
Two people could perform the same song while one makes a great impact and the other doesn't. You have to ask yourself from the outset whether you want to be a mere entertainer or minister in music. I prefer the later. Much as I endeavor to entertain too (because you cannot run away from the fact that music is an entertaining medium), I have never lost sight of the fact that I am called to minister the word in songs, which explains why my songs are scripture-based. God confirms His word, not necessarily the rhythm. So, if His word is absent in my songs, I would have simply wasted precious time. Anointing is what makes the difference. You must learn to abide in His presence for it.
Two people could perform the same song while one makes a great impact and the other doesn't. You have to ask yourself from the outset whether you want to be a mere entertainer or minister in music. I prefer the later. Much as I endeavor to entertain too (because you cannot run away from the fact that music is an entertaining medium), I have never lost sight of the fact that I am called to minister the word in songs, which explains why my songs are scripture-based. God confirms His word, not necessarily the rhythm. So, if His word is absent in my songs, I would have simply wasted precious time. Anointing is what makes the difference. You must learn to abide in His presence for it.
Stage Act
I do not think I need to belabor the fact that to pass across your message you need a certain amount of confidence and stage presence. Whenever I am asked by young musicians how to combat stage fright, one answer has always come in handy. Supposing you had a very well packaged precious gift, or a huge amount of money to deliver to someone who is badly in need of it, would you approach the person fidgeting or with confidence, knowing that you are in possession of what he or she badly needs? Of course, you will go to deliver the parcel happily and confidently. It is the same with delivering a song on stage. You have what that audience needs. Please believe it, unless you don't have.
I do not think I need to belabor the fact that to pass across your message you need a certain amount of confidence and stage presence. Whenever I am asked by young musicians how to combat stage fright, one answer has always come in handy. Supposing you had a very well packaged precious gift, or a huge amount of money to deliver to someone who is badly in need of it, would you approach the person fidgeting or with confidence, knowing that you are in possession of what he or she badly needs? Of course, you will go to deliver the parcel happily and confidently. It is the same with delivering a song on stage. You have what that audience needs. Please believe it, unless you don't have.
Go up, deliver it confidently and come down. Before you go up stage, your mindset is of utmost importance. Visualize what you want to see happen. And it will be so unto you. Do you want a standing ovation? Do you want souls saved? Do you desire to see people healed and broken hearts mended? Do you desire to see people set free to praise jubilantly or worship the Father reverently as you minister? What you believe God for and the picture you carry on your mind is what you will see. I learnt this from Les Brown and I know it works. Try it.
Handling Pressure
We are, of course, in a world that constantly pressurizes us to be someone else. If you have ever performed alongside very popular and renowned musicians, you will understand what I mean. There is, most times, the tendency to do it the way they have done to feel or give the audience the impression that you, too, have “arrived”. How erroneous we can be! You went on that stage to add your unique and particular flavor which may be different from what others before or ahead of you have to offer. I have learnt over the years from my mentors that you don't have to do everything to succeed. Just do what you have the grace for and do it excellently. You can only excel in the grace that has been given to you.
We are, of course, in a world that constantly pressurizes us to be someone else. If you have ever performed alongside very popular and renowned musicians, you will understand what I mean. There is, most times, the tendency to do it the way they have done to feel or give the audience the impression that you, too, have “arrived”. How erroneous we can be! You went on that stage to add your unique and particular flavor which may be different from what others before or ahead of you have to offer. I have learnt over the years from my mentors that you don't have to do everything to succeed. Just do what you have the grace for and do it excellently. You can only excel in the grace that has been given to you.